We at AuRNPathway will help you build pathways for nurses and future registered nurses to Australia. Through our help, you are now a few steps away from fulfilling your nursing dreams!

By checking the box in the payment portal, I state that I have read and understood the terms and conditions.


  1. This tutoring program is strictly confidential. Nothing that you learn from the course of any knowledge gained must ever be disclosed to anyone outside of the program.
  2. Breach of confidentiality is a serious act and will result in being taken into a legal action and be reported to AHPRA on misconduct and unethical grounds.
  3. A breach of confidentiality will be treated seriously, and the AHPRA informed. This means AHPRA would be aware of the incident at the time of your registration should you be successful in your application to your registration. This could subsequently have an adverse effect on your Registration as Nurse in Australia.
  4. You must not give any information over the phone.
  5. Any breach of agreement above, may result in suspension/termination of your enrolment with AuRNPathway.

I confirm that I have read the confidentiality agreement and understand the implications should I breach this agreement.



Contacting us

AuRNPathway welcomes your comments regarding this Payment Policy. If you have any questions about this Payment Policy and would like further information, please contact us by any of the following means during business hours Monday to Friday.   

Call: +61 468 775 661    

E-mail: support@aurnpathway.com.au