Survival Tips on Your First Day as A Nurse


Almost the first of anything can be quite nerve-wracking. If it’s your first day in the nursing position, chances are the feeling is almost extra of everything. The nervous anticipation is likely making your stomach churn. If you can relate to this feeling, continue reading for some valuable tips that will contribute to a smooth and successful first day in your new nursing role.

We have curated three major survival tips for you to survive your first day as a nurse.

Establish a Pre-nursing Shift Procedure

Nurse Uniform on the First Day

The evening preceding your initial workday is typically when nerves kick in. Anxiety can make it challenging to sleep as your mind races with thoughts about what could transpire. Avoid exacerbating this by staying up even later! If you enjoy being organized or like doing things on the spur of the moment, we have some tips for you to think about as you create a great routine for the beginning of your nursing shift.

First, prepare for your nursing shift the day before it begins. Jotting down your schedule or creating a calendar can help you mentally get ready for what lies ahead. Even if you have a series of twelve-hour shifts in a row, don’t worry—many nurses find this schedule beneficial for achieving a good work-life balance. Whether your nursing shifts are standard or not, it’s important to get organized for your schedule.

Next, set out your scrubs the night before. Select your outfit and have it easily visible. This might involve hanging your nursing scrubs in a dedicated section of your closet or neatly folding them on a chair in your room, ensuring they are well-pressed and prepared. Truth be told, nobody likes a wrinkled scrub uniform, especially not on your first day.

Finally, prepare your bag with all the essentials and ensure you’ve packed your work ID and any necessary documents for your first day. Lay out your essentials, and decide on your hairstyle and/or makeup, if relevant. Confirm everything is in order before bedtime so that in the morning, you only need to get yourself ready and grab your belongings. Being organized the night before will also facilitate getting the essential 8 hours of sleep!

Familiarise Nursing Policies and Technology Systems

Nurse reading employee handbook

Reading an employee handbook detailing rules and regulations may not be the most exciting activity. However, each hospital or medical institution has distinct nursing policies integral to their facility regulations, and it falls upon nurses to acquaint themselves with these guidelines.

Nursing protocols and policies are typically delineated in a medical facility’s employee handbook or manual. Therefore, it is imperative that, prior to embarking on your initial nursing shift, you request to review the handbook outlining nursing procedures and policies. If any uncertainties arise regarding legal procedures or practices, seek clarification by posing questions directly to your employer. After all, failure to comply with nursing standards can result in severe consequences, including patient harm, disciplinary measures, and legal repercussions.

Tantamount to familiarizing nursing policies is getting accustomed to technology systems. The integration of technology in nursing is positively influencing patient care. 

Nevertheless, the surge of innovation and technology in the nursing environment can be overwhelming and intimidating for new nurses. But don’t worry just yet. 

Whether you’re a nurse adept at adapting to new technology or need some time to adapt, it’s crucial to ask questions about the functionality of each technology system. From automated IV pumps and Electronic Health Records (EHR) to smart beds and centralized command centres, the use of technology in nursing is unavoidable. Embracing these advancements allows you to enhance your role in promoting health and wellness, ultimately providing improved healthcare services to patients.

Don’t Expect Too Much

Nurse on the First Day

On your initial day, the eagerness to get started is understandable. You’ve put in hard work, secured a position, and are eager to showcase your capabilities—an excellent mindset to maintain! 

While the excitement to demonstrate skills and make a positive impact is commendable, it’s equally important to acknowledge the reality of being new to a healthcare setting. Every workplace has its unique dynamics, protocols, and intricacies that take time to comprehend. Anticipating a seamless understanding of all procedures and policies from the outset is unrealistic. Instead, the initial day should be seen as a learning opportunity. Understanding that mistakes are an inherent part of the learning process allows for a more forgiving and constructive approach. By adopting a mindset of gradual acclimatization and continuous learning, a new nurse sets the foundation for a successful and fulfilling career in the challenging yet rewarding field of healthcare.

Why Consider These Survival Tips?

Consideration of these three vital survival tips can significantly ease the transition on your first day as a nurse. Firstly, establishing a pre-nursing shift procedure involves preparing for the day in advance, ensuring a smoother start. Secondly, becoming familiar with nursing policies and technology systems is essential, providing confidence in navigating the unique protocols of the healthcare environment. Lastly, managing expectations by not expecting too much is crucial, as it allows for a realistic approach to the challenges of adapting to a new role. Combining these tips enables a more seamless and confident entry into the nursing profession, fostering a foundation for success and growth in this demanding field.

AuRNPathway in Actualising Your Nursing Dream

AuRNPathway, recognized as a top-performing nursing review centre in Australia, is an invaluable resource for individuals aspiring to become nurses in Australia. The center offers tailored programs and support designed to actualize the dream of entering the nursing profession. AuRNPathway provides comprehensive review courses, exam preparation, and hands-on training to ensure that aspiring nurses are well-equipped with the knowledge and skills required to meet Australian nursing standards. 

Additionally, the centre offers guidance on the intricacies of the Australian healthcare system, including understanding nursing policies and adhering to local regulations. With a focus on excellence, AuRNPathway acts as a bridge between aspiring nurses and the fulfilment of their dreams, providing the necessary tools and knowledge for a successful entry into the nursing profession in Australia. 

Apply the above survival tips as you actualize your AuRN dream with AuRNPathway!

All the best, future Registered Nurse in Australia!

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Kristine Dawang

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