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Prior to submitting an application for registered nurse (RN) licensure, aspirant nurses must pass the NCLEX test. In addition to being a tremendous accomplishment, passing the NCLEX signifies that you are now qualified to start a nursing job.

The examination is given by the National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN), which then assesses the fundamental knowledge of nursing candidates and confirms their suitability for employment in hospitals and other healthcare institutions. 

While the majority of the test will consist of multiple-choice questions, there may also be other formats. The exam uses a variable question format where the computer adjusts to how well the test-taker performs by presenting increasingly challenging questions until it has 95% confidence that the test-taker has achieved a passing mark (Deering, 2022).

To understand more about this kind of test, let’s break down concepts into pieces.

Two Kinds of NCLEX

To become a licensed nurse, a student must complete the NCLEX exam. You must take and pass the NCLEX regardless of whether your job goal is to become a practical nurse (PN) or a registered nurse (RN). However, the testing for these two job paths differs significantly from one another. Let’s explore their differences:


Students seeking to be licensed as practical (LPN) or vocational nurses take the NCLEX-PN test. More topics about care coordination can be found on the PN exam. Those who earned a certificate in licensed practical nursing or licensed vocational nursing are eligible to take the NCLEX-PN. 

The percentage of test items assigned to each client needs category and subcategory in the NCLEX-PN Test Plan is based on the results of the Report of Findings from the 2018 LPN/VN Practice Analysis: Linking the NCLEX-PN® Examination to Practice (NCSBN, 2019), and expert judgment provided by members of the NCLEX Examination Committee.

The following processes are fundamental to the practice of practical/vocational nursing and integrated throughout the Client Needs categories and subcategories (NCSBN, 2020):

  1. Clinical Problem-Solving Process (Nursing Process) – a methodical strategy for treating patients that incorporates data gathering, preparation, execution, and assessment.
  2. Caring – the interaction of the Licensed Practice/Vocational Nurse (LPN/VN) in a setting marked by mutual regard and confidence. The LPN/VN offers support and care in this cooperative setting to assist in achieving desired therapeutic results.
  3. Communication and Documentation – exchanges between the LPN/VN and the patient as well as other healthcare team members, both verbally and nonverbally. Written and/or electronic records that represent standards of practice and accountability in the provision of care are used to validate events and actions related to client care.
  4. Teaching and Learning – facilitation of information, ability, and attitude acquisition to help encourage behavior change
  5. Culture and Spirituality – interaction between the nurse and the client (individual, family, or group, including close friends and the population), which acknowledges and takes into account the client’s reported, self-identified, particular, and individual preferences for client care, the relevant standard of care, and legal considerations.


Students seeking to become licensed as registered nurses take the NCLEX-RN test. The RN exam places a focus on care administration and evaluates the advanced scope of practice of registered nurses. Graduates of RN licensing diploma programs or nursing programs leading to an Associate Degree in Nursing (ADN) or a Bachelor of Science in Nursing may take the NCLEX-RN. (BSN). 

The percentage of test questions assigned to each Client Needs category and subcategory of the NCLEX-RN Test Plan is based on the results of the Report of Findings from the 2017 RN Practice Analysis: Linking the NCLEX-RN® Examination to Practice (NCSBN, 2018) and expert judgment provided by members of the NCLEX Examination Committee.

National Council of State Boards of Nursing (2019) identifies the following procedures, which are incorporated into all of the Client Needs categories and subcategories, essential to nursing practice:

  1. Nursing Process – an approach to client care that uses scientific, clinical reasoning and involves assessment, analysis, planning, execution, and evaluation.
  2. Caring – interaction between the caregiver and the patient in a respectful and trustworthy environment. The nurse offers support, compassion, encouragement, and optimism in this cooperative setting to assist in achieving desired results.
  3. Communication and Documentation – interactions, both verbal and nonverbal, between the nurse and the patient, as well as with the patient’s close friends and the other healthcare professionals. Written and/or electronic records that show adherence to the standards of practice and accountability in the provision of care are kept for events and actions related to client care.
  4. Teaching/Learning – facilitation of information, skill, and ability acquisition supporting behavior change.
  5. Culture and Spirituality – a conversation between a nurse and a patient that acknowledges and takes into account the patient’s reported, self-identified, particular, and individual preferences for care, as well as the applicable standard of care and any relevant legal concerns.

The National Council of State Boards of Nursing created and maintains the exams.  The NCLEX results are taken into account by state nursing boards, which will eventually decide whether or not to grant a candidate’s nursing license. But what is NCSBN?

National Council of State Boards of Nursing

NCSBN is a “not-for-profit organization whose U.S. members include the nursing regulatory bodies in the 50 states, the District of Columbia and four U.S. territories” (NCSBN, n.d). 

National Council of  State Boards in Nursing

It empowers and supports nursing regulators in their mandate to protect the public (Mission Statement Adopted by Delegate Assembly 2019). This organization is committed to creating nurse certification and license exams that are both legally sound and psychometrically sound and consistent with current practice. 

Like any other profession, NCSBN acts as a regulating body to ensure the quality of professionals practicing nursing. 

What can AuRNPathway do for your NCLEX?

AuRNPathway with its latest launching of NCLEX review can help you ace the NCLEX and be job ready for nursing jobs. From start to finish, AuRNPathway got you all covered. Enjoy all our launching benefits. All these and more benefits if you enroll this month!

Check our website for more details.

Preparatory Training with AuRNPathway’s Lead Nurse Educator


About NCSBN. n.d.

Difference Between the NCLEX-PN® and the NCLEX-RN Exam? n.d.

Deering, M. 2022. Mastering the NCLEX the First Time: Strategy and Tips.

National Council for State Boards of Nursing. 2019. NCLEX-RN® Examination Test Plan for the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses

National Council for State Boards of Nursing. 2020. NCLEX-PN® Examination Test Plan for the National Council Licensure Examination for Practical Nurses. Retrieved from

All the best, future Registered Nurse in Australia!

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Kristine Dawang

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